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Why It’s Important to Hire a DUI Defense Attorney in Oklahoma

Being arrested for your first drunk driving offense in Oklahoma can be confusing and terrifying, and the steps you take after the arrest can mean the difference between having your charges reduced and possibly even dropped altogether, or spending the next year or more in jail. The biggest mistake most people make after a DUI …

Being arrested for your first drunk driving offense in Oklahoma can be confusing and terrifying, and the steps you take after the arrest can mean the difference between having your charges reduced and possibly even dropped altogether, or spending the next year or more in jail. The biggest mistake most people make after a DUI arrest is facing the charges on their own or just assuming that it will all go away in time. However, drunk driving is a serious offense in Oklahoma, and the penalties associated with an Oklahoma DUI conviction are stiff. If you have been charged with drunk driving in Oklahoma, your first course of action should be to consult with our knowledgeable DUI defense attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center. Tommy Lur team of drunk driving defense lawyers have the skill and experience necessary to help you defend yourself against your DUI charges, and will ensure that your legal rights are protected throughout the process.

DUI Offenses and Associated Penalties

Although a first-time drunk driving offense is classified as a misdemeanor in Oklahoma, second and subsequent DUI convictions are considered felony offenses, punishable by much more severe penalties. For a misdemeanor drunk driving offense in Oklahoma, you could potentially face up to a year in jail, a 30-day license suspension and fines of up to $1,000, but a second offense comes with a prison term of one to five years, fines of up to $2,500 and a one-year license suspension, as well as mandatory use of an ignition interlock device in your vehicle. If you are convicted of a third Oklahoma drunk driving offense, the possible penalties include one to ten years in jail, up to $5,000 in fines, a three-year revocation of your license, and mandatory use of an ignition interlock device when you are permitted to drive again. As you can see, Oklahoma lawmakers don’t take drunk driving offenses lightly, and failure to secure qualified legal representation could result in you facing the most severe of these penalties.

DUI Defense Attorneys for Drunk Driving Charges

If you are charged with drunk driving in Oklahoma, you can be sure that the prosecution will do everything in its power to see that you suffer the consequences of your actions. When it comes down to it, if you don’t hire a reputable DUI defense attorney to represent your case, you will already be at a disadvantage right from the get-go. When choosing a drunk driving defense attorney in Oklahoma, you should choose a legal representative with experience in the courtroom and a successful record in defending DUI cases. This is the kind of expertise and success you want on your side when facing drunk driving charges in Oklahoma. Contact Oklahoma Legal Center today and secure qualified legal representation in your Oklahoma DUI case.

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