Monday , 10 March 2025

What if I Forget to List a Creditor in My Oklahoma Bankruptcy?

In some cases of bankruptcy in Oklahoma, the filer forgets to include a creditor in his or her bankruptcy. This isn't a common occurrence, because bankruptcy filers are typically reminded by their attorneys to be very thorough in making sure they have listed all of their creditors. A good bankruptcy attorney will also take steps to prevent this error, including obtaining the filer's credit reports. However, even the most diligent individual sometimes forgets a creditor, so it's important to understand what steps you need to take if this happens to you. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy in Oklahoma, your first course of action should be to enlist the help of our qualified attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center. With our reputable lawyers on your side, you can ensure that you take all the steps necessary to file a successful bankruptcy.

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Oklahoma Residents Arrested for Selling Meth From Apartment

Oklahoma police arrested two people on April 1,who were accused of dealing drugs out of their apartment. Tura McLaughlin, 37, and Rocky Hanover, 23, were arrested on drug charges, taken into custody and have been booked into the Oklahoma County Detention Center. If they are convicted of the drug charges, they could face considerable penalties, including jail time, hefty fines ...

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Supreme Court Upholds Unconstitutionality of Warrantless Blood Tests

The Supreme Court ruled on April 17, that, in most cases, police must try to obtain a search warrant from a judge before ordering blood tests for DUI suspects. Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote for the court that the natural dissipation of alcohol in the blood is not an adequate reason to bypass the requirement that police get a judge’s approval ...

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Firefighters Oppose Changes to Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation System

Firefighters in Oklahoma object to the proposed workers' compensation bill that calls for extensive reform affecting the state's current court-based system, largely because the measure terminates benefits for volunteer firefighters. Senate Bill 1062 could mean big changes for all injured workers in Oklahoma though, not just firefighters, and it's important for workers throughout the state to understand what the legislation could mean for them. If you have been injured in an on-the-job accident in Oklahoma, or if you lost a loved one in a fatal workplace accident, our qualified lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center can help. Our attorneys have years of experience protecting the rights of injured workers throughout Oklahoma, and will work diligently to help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

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Oklahoma Man Sentenced to Year in Jail for Child Pornography Charges

A 22-year-old Oklahoma man who pleaded guilty last year to possession of child pornography, was sentenced late last month to one year in county jail. Enid, Oklahoma resident Dillon Thomas Cline will also serve 14 years probation for the sex crime, in addition to paying fines, registering as a sex offender, completing counseling, and forgoing any access to the Internet, ...

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Oklahoma Construction Zone Accidents on the Rise

In response to an increase in the number of construction zone accidents on Oklahoma highways, officials are urging motorists throughout the state to slow down and pay attention while behind the wheel. According to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), there were 1,400 collisions statewide last year, resulting in 800 injuries and 16 deaths. “Over the last 10 years, we’ve ...

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Family of 6-Year-Old Dog Bite Victim Files Civil Lawsuit Seeking Damages

A vicious dog bite that resulted in the partial amputation of a 6-year-old Pennsylvania girl’s nose is making its way through the legal system. Following the 2011 attack, which involved a male pit bull, a criminal trial found the dog’s owner guilty of violating Pennsylvania Dog Law. The dog bite victim’s family is now pushing forward with a civil lawsuit, ...

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5 Steps to Bankruptcy Success in Oklahoma

Filing for bankruptcy in Oklahoma will be one of the most important financial decisions you make in your life, and, while bankruptcy can allow you a fresh financial start, it can also affect your credit report for a period of time. Because of this, it is extremely important to understand that success in bankruptcy means ensuring that the advantages of filing for bankruptcy protection outweigh the disadvantages. Here at Oklahoma Legal Center, our attorneys are dedicated to helping individuals throughout Oklahoma enjoy bankruptcy success and get a fresh financial start by discharging their debt and making smart financial decisions going forward. The following are five important steps to bankruptcy success in Oklahoma.

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OK Refinery Faces $281,000 in Fines for Workplace Safety Violations

An oil refinery in southern Oklahoma is being fined $281,000 for repeatedly violating workplace safety standards and putting the lives of refinery workers at unnecessary risk. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced the considerable fines last week against the Wynnewood Refining Co., in connection with the deaths of two Oklahoma workers involved in a fatal blast at the refinery in September 2012. If you have been injured in an on-the-job accident in Oklahoma City, or elsewhere in Oklahoma, consult our knowledgeable lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center for legal help. You may be entitled to financial compensation for your medical expenses, temporary or permanent disability, and missed time at work, which our attorneys can help you pursue in a timely manner. Our legal team has years of experience protecting the rights of injured workers throughout Oklahoma; contact our law firm today for legal guidance.

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Woman Injured in Suspected DUI Crash in Oklahoma

Late last month, a suspected drunk driver struck another vehicle in south Tulsa and sent one woman to the hospital with injuries. Oklahoma police reported that, in the aftermath of the accident, the driver was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. If you are facing charges for drunk driving in Oklahoma, especially if you caused a ...

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