Monday , 10 March 2025

U.S. Government Backs Bankruptcy Option for Some Student Debt

The Obama administration has urged Congress to make it easier for individuals to discharge a portion of some forms of student debt by filing for bankruptcy protection. Although the bankruptcy option wouldn't affect the vast majority of student debt, which is issued by the federal government, it would apply to the $150 billion (15% of all outstanding student debt) issued by private lenders like Wells Fargo & Co. and SLM Corp.'s Sallie Mae. The recommendation came in a report by the Education Department and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued on Friday. As more and more people find themselves struggling under a mountain of unpayable debt, filing for bankruptcy in Oklahoma is becoming a more attractive financial move. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy in Oklahoma, contact our qualified bankruptcy attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center today.

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What To Do After an Oklahoma Car Accident

For many people, the moments immediately following a car accident are a blur. However, it’s important to remember that the actions you take after being involved in a car accident in Oklahoma can affect your ability to pursue compensation for your injuries, medical bills, and pain and suffering in the future. For this reason, enlisting the help of a knowledgeable ...

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Oklahoma Law Requires Registered Sex Offenders to Leave Homes

The passage of a new Oklahoma law that prohibits registered sex offenders from residing together in manufactured homes means that about 70 men must move from a mobile home park in Oklahoma City. There are about 170 registered sex offenders living at the Hand Up community, a 14-acre mobile home park in Oklahoma City, says Rev. David Nichols, operator of ...

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Oklahoma Named One of Five States Accounting for More than Half of U.S. Chapter 9 Bankruptcies

The recent financial collapse of three cities in California has brought much-needed attention to the increase in Chapter 9 bankruptcy filings in the United States, the majority of which have not taken place in California alone. Just five states account for more than half of all types of Chapter 9 filings in U.S. bankruptcy courts though, and these states include Nebraska, California, Texas, Alabama and Oklahoma. Unfortunately, as a result of the economic downturn, many municipalities in Oklahoma and across the United States are finding themselves faced with bankruptcy. If you are a consumer or business struggling under significant debt and are considering filing for bankruptcy in Oklahoma, contact our experienced bankruptcy attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center as soon as possible.

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Medical Malpractice Leading Cause of Preventable Death in U.S.

According to a 2000 study conducted by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), titled “To Err is Human,” medical error is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States today. Researchers involved in the IOM medical malpractice study estimated that medical mistakes, called “preventable adverse events,” cause between 44,000 and 98,000 deaths and 1,000,000 excess injuries in U.S. hospitals ...

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Oklahoma Obtains 20 More Doses of Pentobarbital, Execution Drug

According to Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, the state has obtained 20 new doses of the execution drug pentobarbital, and just in time to stave off a federal lawsuit and put an inmate accused of murder to death. Pentobarbital is short-acting barbituate that was first synthesized in 1928. The medication has been approved or considered for use in capital punishment ...

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Bankruptcy Filings in U.S. Drop From Beginning of 2011 to 2012

A new report has temporarily calmed bankruptcy concerns for Americans, indicating that the number of bankruptcy filings in the United States during the first half of 2012 has decreased considerably compared to the first half of 2011. According to the findings of the report, if the current bankruptcy rate stays constant, the total number of bankruptcy filings in the U.S. during 2012 would be the lowest since 2008. However, those individuals and businesses in Oklahoma who continue to find themselves struggling with unpaid debt will still need to find some form of financial relief. At the law offices of Oklahoma Legal Center, our knowledgeable bankruptcy attorneys have years of experience helping Oklahomans consider their financial situation and decide whether bankruptcy is right for them.

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Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Expected to Rise in Light of Supreme Court “ObamaCare” Ruling

With the Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding the constitutionality of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, medical malpractice attorneys across the United States are expecting a sharp increase in medical malpractice lawsuits due to the estimated 20 million to 40 million uninsured individuals who will soon gain coverage, and along with it, access to physician services. Legal representatives in Oklahoma and ...

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California Bankruptcies Spur Concerns for OK and Rest of U.S.

As San Bernardino becomes the third California city in two weeks to file bankruptcy, the implications for cities in Oklahoma and across the country that continue to struggle with weak property and sales tax revenues in the face of increasing pension costs have not been overlooked. Since Chapter 9 was added to the bankruptcy code by Congress in 1937, to allow municipalities to seek bankruptcy protection, approximately 640 government entities have filed. Among them is Stockton, a large California city whose financial problems stem at least in part from a spending spree the city undertook during the housing boom, which left the municipality unprepared for the economic crisis that then plagued the country in 2008. Stockton is projecting a $26 million budget shortfall this fiscal year, with annual deficits of $47 million projecting within three years. Unfortunately, this trend isn't unique to these cities, or even to the state of California. As Calif. Governor Jerry Brown said on Wednesday, "Cities [across the country] may not have the money they need, and they have to take whatever reasonable steps they can under the law."

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Basic Things You Should Know About Appearing in Court in Oklahoma

Most people are aware of courtroom proceedings, what their charges mean, and what their options are should their case proceed to trial. Unfortunately, few people understand just how important it is to follow basic courtroom etiquette when charged with a criminal offense in Oklahoma. Even if they aren’t technically supposed to, judges and juries, like anyone else, make judgments based ...

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