According to an exclusive analysis conducted by, credit conditions vary greatly from state to state, and the grim picture of the credit disaster that is the United States doesn't necessarily represent current credit conditions in all 50 states. The recent report examined credit profiles in each state and found that Oklahoma ranked 23rd in the list of states with the best credit conditions. While it's true that some U.S. states are struggling to provide jobs and financial support for their residents, Oklahoma is proof that there are some states that continue to thrive in the face of the country's economic downturn. As more and more Americans are facing debt, bankruptcy and foreclosure, the bankruptcy attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center are encouraging Oklahomans to take heart in the fact that Oklahoma finished as the 23rd best state for personal credit conditions. If you are considering filing bankruptcy in Oklahoma though, our qualified bankruptcy lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center can help you evaluate your financial situation and determine what course of action is best for you.
Read More of - Oklahoma Ranked as 23rd Best State for Personal Credit Conditions