Wednesday , 5 February 2025

Interpreting Oklahoma Sex Offender Registration Requirements

After being convicted of a sex offense in Oklahoma, it is extremely important that you understand the requirements for sex offender registration established by Oklahoma law, so as to not suffer the harsh consequences of a sex offender registration violation. Under the Sex Offenders Registration Act, convicted sex offenders in Oklahoma are required to register updated contact information with the ...

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Protecting Yourself Against Oklahoma Underage DUI Penalties

The state of Oklahoma has implemented strict laws and penalties for DUI offenses, and those in place for drunk drivers under the age of 21 are even more severe. Oklahoma is what is known as a “zero tolerance” state, which means that lawmakers have taken a strong stance against underage drinking and driving, making it illegal for all persons under ...

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Understanding “Strict Liability” in Oklahoma Sex Crime Cases

Under Oklahoma sex crime laws, there are certain offenses that are considered “strict liability” offenses, one of which is statutory rape. Because statutory rape is prosecuted as a strict liability crime, if an individual over the age of 18 has sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 16, that person is guilty of statutory rape in Oklahoma, regardless ...

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Protecting Yourself From Dangerous Dogs and Dog Bite Injuries

There is nothing scarier than finding yourself in the path of an aggressive dog, especially if your child is also at risk of suffering injuries in a dog bite accident. Unfortunately, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), of the 800,000 Americans who seek medical attention for dog bites each year, half of the victims are ...

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How a Dog Bite Accident Attorney in Oklahoma Can Help

Being attacked and bitten by a dangerous dog in Oklahoma can be terrifying and devastating, and it’s understandable that a dog bite victim might want to forget that the whole incident happened and move on. Unfortunately, the consequences associated with an Oklahoma dog bite accident can be significant and costly, and filing a dog bite claim against the negligent dog ...

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Hiring an OK Sex Crime Defense Attorney Can Change Your Life

One needs only to consider the requirements of registering as a sex offender in Oklahoma to grasp how wholly and totally being convicted of an Oklahoma sex crime can affect the remainder of a person’s life. In addition to dictating where a convicted sex offender can live in proximity to schools, parks, childcare facilities and playgrounds, an Oklahoma sex crime ...

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Understanding Oklahoma’s Implied Consent Drunk Driving Laws

One of the most important and most commonly misunderstood of Oklahoma’s drunk driving laws involves the term “implied consent.” Implied consent is defined as consent that is understood but is not expressly granted by a person, and in relation to DUI offenses, Oklahoma implied consent laws require that you submit to a chemical test in the event that you are ...

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Why It’s Important to Hire a DUI Defense Attorney in Oklahoma

Being arrested for your first drunk driving offense in Oklahoma can be confusing and terrifying, and the steps you take after the arrest can mean the difference between having your charges reduced and possibly even dropped altogether, or spending the next year or more in jail. The biggest mistake most people make after a DUI arrest is facing the charges ...

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Famous People Who Have Filed for Bankruptcy Protection

As many people across the United States continue to experience financial distress in the face of a struggling economy, filing for bankruptcy is becoming a very real option for more and more people. Falling behind on student loan payments, mortgage payments, credit card payments, car payments and other types of debt can be scary, but filing for bankruptcy definitely isn't the end of the world. In fact, there are plenty of famous people in the world who have filed for bankruptcy, discharged their debt, and still went on to be successful members of society. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy protection in Oklahoma, contact our experienced bankruptcy attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center today. In the meantime, consider the following celebrities who have filed for bankruptcy in the past and benefited considerably from allowing themselves that fresh start.

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