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Summer Months See Increase in ATV Injuries and Fatalities

Riding ATVs is a favorite recreational activity of Oklahomans, especially during the summer months when they can explore the outdoors, enjoy the warm weather and have a little fun all at the same time. Despite their ability to traverse muddy terrain and easily scour hills and valleys though, ATVs can be extremely dangerous vehicles, claiming …

Riding ATVs is a favorite recreational activity of Oklahomans, especially during the summer months when they can explore the outdoors, enjoy the warm weather and have a little fun all at the same time. Despite their ability to traverse muddy terrain and easily scour hills and valleys though, ATVs can be extremely dangerous vehicles, claiming lives and causing far too many life-altering injuries. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), nearly 700,000 people die in ATV accidents each year, and 136,000 more ATV riders suffer from serious injuries, like paralysis and spinal cord damage, that permanently impact their quality of life. If you have been injured in an ATV accident in Oklahoma, contact our qualified ATV accident attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center today.

Common Causes of ATV Accidents in Oklahoma

Unlike passenger cars and trucks, ATVs don’t have doors, a hood, seat belts or other protective equipment designed to shield riders from injury in the event of an accident. Also, because of their small profile, ATV riders face an increased risk of injury or death when involved in an accident with a larger vehicle, like a truck or car. The most common causes of ATV accident result from driver inexperience or recklessness, in which drivers lose control and are thrown from the vehicle, or have the vehicle roll over onto them. In some cases, ATV riders may collide with stationary objects or another motor vehicle.

Steps to Take in Preventing Oklahoma ATV Accidents

To reduce your risk of suffering serious injuries in an ATV accident, the CPSC recommends ATV drivers take the following precautions:

  • Always wear a helmet and other protective gear
  • Take an ATV safety course from a certified instructor
  • Never put more people on an ATV than it was meant to carry
  • Stay away from paved roads where an ATV may be difficult to control and easy to overturn
  • Never allow children under 16 to ride or operate an ATV

Children are most vulnerable to ATV injuries in Oklahoma accidents and ATV accidents across the United States. The CPSC estimates that 90% of all injuries to children occur when an adult allows an inexperienced child to ride or drive an ATV.

Contact an ATV Accident Attorney in Oklahoma City

In response to a rise in the rate of summer ATV accident fatalities, the CPSC recently issued a warning urging ATV riders to practice safety on trails. Already this year, the agency has received preliminary reports of 130 adults and 28 children under the age of 16 who have died since January in ATV-related accidents across the country. If you have suffered injuries in an ATV accident in Oklahoma City or elsewhere in Oklahoma, contact our experienced ATV accident attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center as soon as possible. Our law firm is located in Oklahoma City, and our lawyers have years of experience helping ATV accident victims pursue the compensation they deserve for their injuries and medical expenses.

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