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Spinal Cord Injuries from Oklahoma Car Accidents

One of the most devastating injuries that may result from a car accident in Oklahoma is damage to the spinal cord, typically occurring when the back, neck or head is twisted beyond its normal range of motion during a collision. Unfortunately, the consequences associated with a spinal cord injury can be devastating, ranging from chronic …

One of the most devastating injuries that may result from a car accident in Oklahoma is damage to the spinal cord, typically occurring when the back, neck or head is twisted beyond its normal range of motion during a collision. Unfortunately, the consequences associated with a spinal cord injury can be devastating, ranging from chronic pain to weakness, numbness, and even full or partial paralysis. Because the nerves of the spinal cord control sensory and motor function in the arms, legs, torso, and other parts of the body, the side effects of a spinal cord injury can be widespread and may persist throughout the victim’s life. If you have suffered a spinal cord injury in an Oklahoma car accident, our personal injury attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center are standing by, ready to help. Contact our Oklahoma City law firm today to discuss your legal options with an experienced personal injury attorney.

Spinal Cord Injury Symptoms and Prognosis

Spinal cord injuries caused by motor vehicle accidents are not uncommon. In fact, in the United States, approximately 40% of all spinal cord injuries sustained every year are caused by car accidents. Although the symptoms associated with a spinal cord injury depend largely on the location and severity of the injury, some common symptoms include:

  • Weakness or paralysis
  • Numbness
  • Sensory changes
  • Loss of normal bladder and bowel control
  • Pain

Prompt diagnosis and treatment for a spinal cord injury is important, as the amount of time that passes between the initial injury and when the victim receives medical care can affect his or her outcome. Unfortunately, researchers at the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center estimate that fewer than 1% of spinal cord injury victims ever make a full recovery.

Contact Our Personal Injury Attorneys for Help

In addition to physical disability and costly medical expenses, a spinal cord injury can adversely affect a victim’s life in any number of other ways. People who suffer spinal cord injuries typically require long-term medical care, for instance, and are often unable to return to work, which only compounds the financial problems many spinal cord injury victims with exorbitant medical bills face. If you have sustained a spinal cord injury caused by a car accident in Oklahoma, contact our experienced personal injury lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center today. Our attorneys understand how devastating a spinal cord injury can be, and can help Oklahoma car accident victims protect their legal rights and pursue the financial compensation they are entitled to.

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