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Safer Roads Near Schools May Reduce Risk of Pedestrian Accidents Involving Kids

A new study shows that after New York City made the streets near some of its schools safer, the number of children struck by cars each year dropped considerably. Experts say the findings of the study point to the success of the national Safe Routes to School program, which was established in 2005 to encourage …

A new study shows that after New York City made the streets near some of its schools safer, the number of children struck by cars each year dropped considerably. Experts say the findings of the study point to the success of the national Safe Routes to School program, which was established in 2005 to encourage kids to walk or ride their bikes to school. As Kate Carr, president and CEO of Washington D.C.’s Safe Kids Worldwide, said, “At a time when we need more focus on decreasing driver and pedestrian distraction, programs like Safe Routes to School are more important than ever when it comes to the safety of our kids.” If your child has suffered serious injuries in a pedestrian accident in Oklahoma, contact our reputable attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center to explore your compensation options.

Traffic Safety Measures May Reduce Child Pedestrian Injuries

Researchers involved in the safety study discovered that the rate of child pedestrian injuries during “school travel” hours dropped by 44% around NYC schools where the city made traffic changes. These changes included displaying digital signs to tell drivers how fast they are going, installing more speed bumps and traffic lights, and putting islands in the center of wide streets. “The study shows that safety programs really to work,” said Carr. “Making common sense improvements around schools by adding sidewalks and speed bumps, improving signage, and creating more visible crosswalks prevents injuries and saves lives.”

Keeping Kids Safe From Pedestrian Accidents

The primary goal of the Safe Routes to School program was originally to get kids physically active and to curb childhood obesity, by encouraging them to walk or ride their bikes to school. But based on the findings of this new study, published online January 14 and in the February print issue of Pediatrics, the safety program may also be protecting children from serious injuries caused by pedestrian accidents. “The reason so many kids aren’t walking to school is that parents are worried about safety, and one of their biggest concerns is the risk of pedestrian injury,” said study author Charles DiMaggio, and the latest research suggests that Safe Routes to School may be preventing many of those injuries.

Our Reputable Lawyers Can Help You File a Claim

The Safe Routes to School program allocated $612 million between 2005 and 2009 to improve streets, sidewalks and traffic patterns around schools nationwide. New York City used the safety program funds to target 124 schools with the highest rates of traffic injuries, and, as of 2009, 30 schools had established at least some safety measures. According to the Pediatrics study, fewer children in those 30 schools were involved in pedestrian accidents in 2009 and 2010 compared to the period of time from 2001 to 2008. On the contrary, injury rates remained steady around schools that had not undergone any traffic safety improvements. If your child has been injured in a pedestrian accident in Oklahoma City, or elsewhere in Oklahoma, contact our qualified lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center today. The skilled attorneys at our Oklahoma City-based law firm can help you seek fair and timely reimbursement for your child’s injuries and medical bills.

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