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Protecting Yourself From Dangerous Dogs and Dog Bite Injuries

There is nothing scarier than finding yourself in the path of an aggressive dog, especially if your child is also at risk of suffering injuries in a dog bite accident. Unfortunately, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), of the 800,000 Americans who seek medical attention for dog bites each year, …

There is nothing scarier than finding yourself in the path of an aggressive dog, especially if your child is also at risk of suffering injuries in a dog bite accident. Unfortunately, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), of the 800,000 Americans who seek medical attention for dog bites each year, half of the victims are children. The CDC also warns that the rate of dog bite-related injuries is highest in children ages five to nine, and almost two-thirds of dog bite injuries involving children four and younger are to the head or neck region. If you or your child has suffered serious injuries in an Oklahoma dog attack, our qualified dog bite accident attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center can help. Contact our Oklahoma City law firm to explore your compensation options for your dog bite injuries.

Safety Tips for Preventing Dog Bite Accidents

One of the most surprising statistics involving dog attacks is that more than 60% of these incidents occur inside the dog owner’s home, and about 77% of the victims are close friends or family members of the owner. Because dog attacks can happen anywhere and with virtually any dog, knowing how to protect yourself from a dog bite accident is extremely important. Even more important is teaching your children these same safety tips, as children are most at risk for dog attacks.

  • Don’t approach a dog you don’t know
  • Don’t lean your face close to a dog
  • Don’t pet a dog without first letting him see you
  • Don’t startle a sleeping dog
  • Don’t tease a dog, especially if it is chained
  • Don’t bother a dog that is eating or caring for puppies
  • Don’t turn your back on a dog and run away

If you think that you might be attacked by a dangerous dog, the Humane Society of the United States recommends the following guidelines:

  • Remain motionless, avoid eye contact and keep your hands at your sides
  • Never scream and run away from a dog
  • Once the dog loses interest, slowly back away until he is out of sight
  • If the dog attacks, put something in between you and the dog, like your jacket, bicycle or purse
  • If you fall or the dog knocks you to the ground, curl into a ball with your hands over your ears. Remain motionless and try not to scream or roll around.

Contact Our Oklahoma Dog Bite Accident Attorneys

The consequences resulting from an Oklahoma dog attack can be devastating and may persist for weeks, months or even years after the initial incident. In addition to physical injuries inflicted by a dangerous dog, victims of dog bite accidents may struggle with mental pain and suffering, costly medical treatment and permanent scarring or disfigurement long into the future. If you have been injured in a dog bite accident in Oklahoma, contact our skilled dog bite accident lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center today. Our team of reputable dog bite accident attorneys are devoted to protecting the legal rights of dog bite victims, and will offer competent legal representation in your Oklahoma dog attack case. With the help of our reputable dog bite accident lawyers, you can hold the dog owner liable for your injuries and seek fair and timely reimbursement for your injuries.

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