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Proposed Bill Would Require University Officials to Report Sexual Assaults to OK Police

In the wake of a series of sexual assaults at Oklahoma State University, Sen. Tom Ivester has proposed a bill in Oklahoma that would require college and university officials to call the police when they learn of a student being sexually assaulted. However, according to Ivester, the measure wasn’t influenced by the recent events at …

In the wake of a series of sexual assaults at Oklahoma State University, Sen. Tom Ivester has proposed a bill in Oklahoma that would require college and university officials to call the police when they learn of a student being sexually assaulted. However, according to Ivester, the measure wasn’t influenced by the recent events at OSU, although it would have applied in that case; it was instead prompted by the sex abuse scandal that rocked Penn State last year. In October 2012, former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was convicted in the abuse of 10 victims over the course of 15 years, and was sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison for his crimes. If you have been charged with sexual assault or another sex crime in Oklahoma, contact our reputable criminal defense attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center to discuss your legal options.

Understanding Senate Bill 312

According to Ivester, D- Elk City, he has been working on the bill since last summer, and has proposed the measure amid concerns about how college campuses handle sexual assault cases. Senate Bill 312 would require any employee of any public college or university in Oklahoma to report to the police or sheriff in the area after learning of a sexual assault or violent crime involving a student. The legislation also requires schools that have campus police departments to enter into mutual aid agreements with local law enforcement agencies in the investigation of sexual assaults or violent crimes. It also requires campus police officers to alert local law enforcement when they become aware of cases of violent crime or sexual assault.

Former OSU Student Charged With Sex Crimes

The proposed bill comes as former OSU student Nathan Cochran, 22, faces four counts of sexual battery involving three incidents that took place between November 3, 2011 and August 15, 2012. OSU officials learned of the assault reports on November 12, but never contacted police. Instead, they held conduct hearings and determined that Cochran would be suspended from the university for three years beginning at the end of the fall 2012 semester. Police only learned of the sexual assault reports and launched an investigation in December, three and a half weeks after OSU officials initially became aware of the matter. Police have said that they believe Cochran’s victims could number into the dozens, with incidents occurring on campus, in Stillwater and in Tahlequah, and OSU’s handling of the situation is currently under review by the Board of Regents for Oklahoma State University and the A&M Colleges.

Contact Our Criminal Defense Attorneys for Help

Ivester has said that he hopes OSU officials will support the proposed bill, which be believes would improve campus safety and allow municipal police to more easily work with campus law enforcement in the investigation of sex crimes in Oklahoma. If you have been arrested for a sex crime like sexual assault in Oklahoma, your first course of action should be to enlist the help of our qualified criminal defense lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center. Being convicted of a sex crime in OK can severely affect the remainder of your life, particularly if you are required to register as a convicted sex offender with the state. With our knowledgeable criminal defense attorneys on your side, you can defend yourself against the sex crime charges and significantly improve your chances of receiving a favorable outcome in your case.

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