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Psychological Abuse

Our experienced attorneys in Oklahoma City work hard to protect you and your loved ones from psychological abuse in nursing homes throughout Oklahoma.

One of the most despicable acts perpetrated against older individuals is elder abuse, which can result in serious physical, emotional, psychological or financial harm to elderly or disabled individuals, often caused by a person entrusted with their care. Elder abuse occurs when a caregiver knowingly or intentionally acts in a negligent manner, resulting in harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult. Nursing home residents in particular are at risk of psychological abuse, which is often the result of poor training, inadequate staffing or failure to properly supervise staff members in a nursing home facility. Because it typically lacks physical indicators, psychological nursing home abuse is one of the most dangerous forms of elder abuse, occurring when a caretaker intentionally inflicts fear, anguish or degradation on a resident through verbal or non-verbal acts. If you believe a loved one has been the victim of psychological abuse in an Oklahoma nursing home, contact our reputable attorneys today.

Verbal Abuse in Nursing Homes

Verbal degradation is an all-too-common occurrence in the nursing home setting, sometimes caused by a staff member’s frustration regarding long hours, understaffing or inadequate training. Examples of verbal degradation include yelling or screaming at a resident, perhaps if they aren’t eating quickly enough, and may also involve insults or sarcastic remarks about the resident’s disabilities, including being unable to control bodily functions. Verbal threats are a more severe form of verbal degradation and are intended to intimidate nursing home residents into acting a certain way. Examples of verbal threats may include a staff member telling residents they will be hit or won’t be fed if they wet their bed or fail to finish their meal.

Emotional Elder Abuse

Emotional manipulation occurs when a staff member takes advantage of a resident’s low self-esteem, which is common among residents who feel insecure about their reliance on others for help with everyday activities like dressing, using the bathroom and general daily care. This type of psychological abuse occurs when a staff member deceitfully influences a resident for his own advantage. For example, a resident may be manipulated into not reporting abuse for fear he or she may not be fed, bathed or cared for. In other instances, a resident may be emotionally manipulated into making things “easier” for staff members; for example, not asking for a snack or a glass of water for fear of being punished. As a result, the resident may become dangerously dehydrated or malnourished.

Emotional threats occur when a nursing home resident is threatened into remaining quiet, which may be the case if a resident sees a staff member abusing another resident. Although emotional abuse of this kind usually doesn’t result in physical injury, the consequences can be just as damaging. Isolation is another common form of emotional abuse, occurring when a resident is given the silent treatment or is intentionally, and for no reason, isolated from friends, family members and normal social activities.

Warning Signs of Psychological Abuse

The warning signs associated with psychological or emotional abuse in nursing homes are not as apparent as physical abuse. Even so, the consequences associated with mental abuse can lead to serious issues, including a decline in happiness and sometimes even severe health problems. Some of the most common signs of psychological nursing home abuse include:

  • Withdrawal
  • Mood swings
  • Abnormal behaviors like rocking, sucking or biting
  • Low self-esteem
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Unexplained confusion
  • Involuntary seclusion

In many cases, family members fail to recognize the signs of psychological elder abuse, due mostly to the fact that many of the associated symptoms can be easily mistaken for signs of dementia or deteriorating mental status. Sometimes, psychologically abused individuals are afraid to tell their loved ones about the abuse, which is why it is so important for family members to be aware of the warning signs of this type of abuse.

Contact Our Skilled Lawyers for Help

Psychological abuse is a serious form of abuse against elders, and can have life-long consequences for affected nursing home residents. If you notice any of the above warning signs and believe your family member or friend has been the victim of verbal or emotional abuse in a nursing home setting, contact our qualified attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center today. Too often, nursing home abuse remains unreported in the United States, due mostly to the fact that residents fear they will be punished by staff members if they tell family or friends about the abuse. With the help of our experienced lawyers, you can seek legal recourse against the allegedly negligent nursing home and ensure that the legal rights of your loved one are protected.

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