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Dog Bite Laws

Dog Bite and Animal Attack Victim Lawsuits

If you or a loved one has been attacked or injured by a dog in Oklahoma, our Oklahoma City attorneys can help you achieve justice and the compensation you deserve.

Our Oklahoma dog bite accident lawyers understand that although any dog is capable of biting, some dog breeds are known to be more aggressive-and therefore more dangerous-than others. According to current dog bite fatality data 1 , the top ten dog breeds responsible for causing the highest number of fatalities in the United States from 1979 to 1998 include:

  • Pit Bulls
  • Rottweilers
  • German Shepherds
  • Husky
  • Malamutes
  • Doberman Pinschers
  • Chow Chows
  • Great Danes
  • Saint Bernards
  • Wolf-dog hybrid types (crossbred)

Has A Dog Attack Effected You Or Your Family?

A dog can be your most loyal and trusted friend. But, unfortunately, all too often it happens that someone else’s dog, in its zeal to protect its owner or perceived territory, attacks and causes harm. Dog bite injuries and their psychological effects can be devastating. Emergency medical attention, ongoing counseling, nerve damage, and permanent scars are often an unpleasant reality for victims. Our dog bite lawyers in Oklahoma City can help recover damages resulting from dog bites to help offset the costs of tragic dog bite accidents.

Our dog bite lawyers specialize in protecting the rights of dog bite victims and their families in Oklahoma. Conveniently located in downtown Oklahoma City, our dog bite accident lawyers have the expertise and dedication required to provide top quality legal representation. If you or a loved one has suffered injury as a result of dog bite, we can help. Contact our dog bite lawyers in Oklahoma City for a full review of your case.

Dog bite laws were put into place in Oklahoma to protect people from animal attacks. You can read the laws of our state below, but if you have been a victim, please call one of our attorneys to discuss your claim for free.

Because of the risk dangerous dogs can pose for Oklahomans, the state of Oklahoma has established strict laws governing domestic dogs, including how dogs should be fenced or otherwise restrained on the owner’s property, how dangerous dogs should be treated, and where liability for damages lies in the event of an Oklahoma dog bite accident. Under Oklahoma dog bite laws, if a person is attacked or bitten by a dog in the state, the following statutes apply. If you have been injured in an Oklahoma dog bite accident, contact our dog bite accident lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center to explore your compensation options. You may be entitled to reimbursement for your injuries and medical expenses, which you can pursue by filing a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent dog owner.

Oklahoma Statutes for Dog Bite Accidents

Oklahoma dog bite laws are clear and explicitly stated in Title 4 of Oklahoma Statutes (2002). When a dog bites and causes personal injury, Oklahoma dog bite laws that apply include the following:

§ 4-42.1. The owner or owners of any dog shall be liable for damages to the full amount of any damages sustained when his dog, without provocation, bites or injures any person while such person is in or on a place where he has a lawful right to be.

§ 4-42.2. For the purpose of this act a person shall be considered to be lawfully upon the private property of the owner of a dog when he is on such property in the performance of any duty imposed upon him by the laws of this state, or by the laws of the United States, or the postal regulations of the United States, or when reading meters, or making repairs to any public utility or service located on said premises, or when working on said property at the request of the owner or any tenant having a lease upon any portion of said property, or when on such property upon the invitation, either expressed or implied, of the owner or lessee of such property. The term “public place” shall, for the purpose of this act, mean and include any and all public buildings, parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities, and any and all places of business, amusement or entertainment which are privately owned, wherein merchandise, property, services, entertainment or facilities are offered for sale, hire, lease, or use.

§ 4-42.3. Provided that this act shall not apply to rural areas of this state or to any cities or towns that do not have city or village United States mail delivery service. Provided, nothing herein shall be construed as diminishing any right or liability for injury by dog bites now existing under the laws of this state.

Contact our Dog Bite Attorneys to File a Claim

At Oklahoma Legal Center, our experienced dog bite attorneys have the skill and expertise necessary to represent victims who have sustained injuries due to the negligence of an owner of a dangerous dog. It is the duty of all dog owners in Oklahoma to protect the safety of others by maintaining control over their dog and preventing the occurrence of devastating dog bite accidents. If you have suffered injuries caused by a dog bite accident in Oklahoma, contact our dog bite accident lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center today. Our law firm is located in Oklahoma City, and our experienced attorneys are standing by to help you protect your rights in the event of an Oklahoma dog bite accident.


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