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New Study Finds Rear-End Collisions Common Among Large Trucks

A recent study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicates that large trucks are more likely to hit other vehicles in the rear in collisions. In the study, NHTSA researchers found that 23% of the 120,000 large truck accidents they examined involved a large truck that had rear-ended another vehicle, causing the …

A recent study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicates that large trucks are more likely to hit other vehicles in the rear in collisions. In the study, NHTSA researchers found that 23% of the 120,000 large truck accidents they examined involved a large truck that had rear-ended another vehicle, causing the accident to occur. While some of the truck accidents involved only the large truck and the rear-ended vehicle, others involved additional cars in a “chain reaction” accident that resulted in multiple injuries or deaths. Due to the sheer size and weight of large trucks, trucking accidents involving other passenger vehicles can be devastating. If you have suffered injuries in a large truck accident in Oklahoma, contact our experienced trucking accident attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center to discuss your legal options.

Common Causes of Large Truck Accidents

For this study, “large trucks” included any truck weighing over 10,000 pounds, including tractor-trailers and box trucks, which can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. Researchers found that rear-end accidents were the single most common type of accident caused by large trucks. Ten percent of the large truck accidents occurred when trucks side-swiped or hit another vehicle at an angle while trying to change lanes, while another 10% were caused by trucks leaving the roadway to the right. The next most common type of large truck accident involved trucks leaving the roadway to the left, at 8%. Comparatively, intersection accidents involving large trucks and other vehicles were the least common type of accident, with trucks turning across the path of an oncoming car accounting for 5% of accidents included in the study. Head-on accidents involving large trucks accounted for only 3% of accidents.

An OK Trucking Accident Attorney Can Help

Accidents involving large trucks are far too common in Oklahoma and across the United States, resulting in devastating injury and tragic loss of life every year. If you have been injured in an Oklahoma trucking accident, or if you lost a loved one in such an accident, contact our qualified trucking accident lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center today. You may be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries, medical bills, loss of income, and other damages related to the accident, which you can pursue by filing a personal injury lawsuit against the person found to be at-fault in the accident. With the help of our skilled trucking accident attorneys, victims of trucking accidents in Oklahoma City can protect their legal rights and seek fair and timely reimbursement for their injuries.

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