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New Policy Designed to Reduce Risk of Oklahoma Truck Accidents

In response to the alarming number of truck accidents occurring in Oklahoma and across the country each year, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has introduced a new policy to reduce the risk of devastating collisions involving commercial trucks and buses – called the “Fit, Willing and Able” policy. Due to the sheer size …

In response to the alarming number of truck accidents occurring in Oklahoma and across the country each year, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has introduced a new policy to reduce the risk of devastating collisions involving commercial trucks and buses – called the “Fit, Willing and Able” policy. Due to the sheer size and weight of semi-trucks, tractor trailers and 18-wheelers, Oklahoma accidents involving trucks of this kind result in far too many devastating injuries and fatalities. In fact, during the past decade, roughly 100 fatal truck accidents have occurred on Oklahoma roadways every year. If you have suffered serious injuries in an Oklahoma truck accident, or if you lost a loved one in such an accident, contact our qualified truck accident lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center to discuss your options for legal recourse.

Truck Companies Subject to Federal Safety Regulations

In an effort to curb the risk of deadly truck accidents in the United States, the FMCSA conducts regular safety inspections on all interstate trucking companies. Any carrier that fails to comply with federal safety regulations can have their license to operate revoked or suspended. Unfortunately, some trucking companies attempt to deceive federal regulators by creating new affiliations or identities in order to put previously closed operations back in business without the FMCSA’s knowledge. In recognition of this serious issue, the FMCSA has implemented the “Fit, Willing and Able” policy, which requires Oklahoma and other trucking companies to prove that they are ready, willing and able to comply with federal safety standards before they are permitted to operate. The scrutiny of the federal agency will focus primarily on carriers that have had their licenses to operate revoked or suspended within the last six years.

Contact Our Truck Accident Attorneys Today

The “Fit, Willing and Able” policy put in place by federal regulators is designed to keep motorists safe from Oklahoma truck accidents caused by negligent trucking companies, bad drivers and unsafe commercial vehicles. Unfortunately, even with more stringent federal regulations, Oklahoma truck accidents continue to occur with alarming frequency. If you have been injured in a truck accident in Oklahoma City, or elsewhere in Oklahoma, consult our reputable truck accident attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center to explore your compensation options. You may be entitled to reimbursement for your injuries, medical bills and other losses, which you can pursue by filing a personal injury lawsuit against the person or party found at-fault in the OK truck accident. With our experienced truck accident lawyers on your side, you can protect your legal rights and seek the financial compensation you deserve.

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