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Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Expected to Rise in Light of Supreme Court “ObamaCare” Ruling

With the Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding the constitutionality of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, medical malpractice attorneys across the United States are expecting a sharp increase in medical malpractice lawsuits due to the estimated 20 million to 40 million uninsured individuals who will soon gain coverage, and along with it, access to physician services. …

With the Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding the constitutionality of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, medical malpractice attorneys across the United States are expecting a sharp increase in medical malpractice lawsuits due to the estimated 20 million to 40 million uninsured individuals who will soon gain coverage, and along with it, access to physician services. Legal representatives in Oklahoma and around the country warn that many doctors and hospitals are likely ill-prepared for the increased caseload the wave of newly-insured patients will bring, predicting that some will try to stay on top of workflow by rushing or cutting corners to save time. Unfortunately, when doctors and hospitals rush, mistakes become more likely, and patients are the ones who pay the price. If you have been the victim of a medical error in Oklahoma, contact our skilled medical malpractice attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center today.

Affordable Care Act May Increase Risk of Medical Malpractice

Once Obama’s Affordable Care Act, aptly dubbed “ObamaCare,” takes effect in 2014 or 2015, and the millions of Americans currently without health insurance sign up for coverage, medical errors are expected to occur on a more frequent basis. In general, the more people who access medical care, the greater the risk of medical errors in which serious injuries or deaths occur. In fact, according to national surveys of 831 practicing physicians and 1207 members of the general public conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine in 2002, understaffing of nurses in hospitals and overwork, stress or fatigue on the part of healthcare providers are the most important causes of medical errors in the United States.

When the currently uninsured begin exercising their right to medical care under the Affordable Care Act, healthcare providers might take proactive steps to reduce the risk of being sued for medical malpractice by expanding the size of their staffs and ensuring that their staff members are adequately trained. Unfortunately, those who don’t take these steps may put their patients at risk of devastating medical errors, and themselves at risk of being sued for medical malpractice.

Contact an OK Medical Malpractice Attorney for Help

Injuries and deaths caused by medical malpractice are devastating, and usually avoidable, occurrences which often result from poor training, fatigue, insufficient staffing or negligence on the part of medical staff. If you or a loved one has suffered from medical malpractice in Oklahoma, consult our experienced medical malpractice lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center to discuss your legal options. Our law firm is located in Oklahoma City, and our medical malpractice lawyers have years of experience litigating on behalf of victims of medical errors. You may have grounds to file a medical malpractice lawsuit against the doctor or hospital allegedly responsible for your injuries, in order to pursue financial compensation for your injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

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