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How to File an Oklahoma Dog Bite Injury Claim

In the aftermath of a serious dog bite accident, it may be difficult to focus your attention on holding the dog owner liable for your injuries and seeking damages through a dog bite injury claim. Fortunately for victims of OK dog attacks, a dog bite accident is considered a strict liability offense in Oklahoma, which …

In the aftermath of a serious dog bite accident, it may be difficult to focus your attention on holding the dog owner liable for your injuries and seeking damages through a dog bite injury claim. Fortunately for victims of OK dog attacks, a dog bite accident is considered a strict liability offense in Oklahoma, which means the victim isn’t required to prove negligence on the part of the dog owner in order to file a claim for compensation. However, there are certain factors a victim must prove when filing a dog bite claim, which can be a difficult task, especially for those who aren’t intimately familiar with Oklahoma dog bite laws. If you have been bitten by a dangerous dog in Oklahoma, contact our knowledgeable dog bite accident lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center today. Our Oklahoma City attorneys have extensive practice litigating dog bite injury cases, and have years of experience helping victims of dog bite accidents pursue the compensation they deserve.

Components of an Oklahoma Dog Bite Claim

One of the most important steps to take after being involved in a dog bite accident is seeking medical attention for your injuries. Even if you have sustained the most minor of puncture wounds, a break in the skin could put you at risk for rabies, tetanus, and other viruses and bacterial infections depending on the health of the dog that bit you. If the owner of the dog is known, you can request records of the dog’s rabies vaccination. If you dog owner is unknown however, the dog may have to be quarantined in order to determine its rabies status. In addition to receiving the treatment you need, seeing a doctor after being bitten by a dog is also important because it creates a record of your injuries and required treatment. This information could come in handy if you decide to file a dog bite claim for compensation. When filing a claim for an Oklahoma dog bite accident against the dog owner, you as the victim must prove the following:

  • That you were bitten by the dog (medical records can help here)
  • That the dog attacked you without being provoked
  • That the defendant is the owner of the dog
  • That you were in a place you had a lawful right to be when the dog attacked you

Contact Our Dog Bite Accident Attorneys for Help

After seeking medical attention, your next course of action in the aftermath of an Oklahoma dog attack should be to contact a reputable dog bite accident attorney to discuss your legal options. Here at Oklahoma Legal Center, we understand how devastating a dog attack can be for your family, and our qualified dog bite accident lawyers are standing by, ready to help. With our team of dog bite accident attorneys on your side, you can protect your legal rights in the event of a dog attack, and quickly and effectively file a dog bite claim to pursue the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Under Oklahoma law, there is a two-year statute of limitations in place for filing a dog bite claim, so don’t hesitate to seek legal help. Contact our dog bite accident lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center today, and protect yourself and your family from further harm.

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