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Child Support

Contact the Oklahoma Legal Center; we have experienced child support lawyers that can help you with your Oklahoma child support questions today.

Oklahoma child support guidelines dictate the amount of child support to be paid after a divorce. The amount of child support is based upon the combined income of the parent with sole physical custody and the parent with the visitation rights. Oklahoma child support guidelines calculate earned income and passive income when determining the combined or gross income of both parents. Salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, severance pay as well as the sale of goods or services are included in determining earned income. Examples of passive income are benefits from social security, unemployment or workers compensation as well as stock dividends and gifts. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Food Stamps are not considered income when calculating the gross income.

When determining the amount of child support to be paid, Oklahoma will always act in what it deems in the best interest of the child. The amount determined to be paid will be paid until the child/children reach eighteen (18) years of age. Oklahoma child support laws follow a standardized system dictating the amount of child support to be paid to the parent who has custody. However, if you can not afford to pay the child support, it is an unfair amount or the amount of child support is not in the best interest of the child, Oklahoma child support laws allow the court to change their determined amount of child support.

Contact the Oklahoma Legal Center; we have child support lawyers experienced in Oklahoma Child Support, child support guidelines, child support laws that can help you with your Oklahoma child support questions.

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