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Don’t Drink and Drive This Graduation Season

It’s that time of year again, and prom and graduation are the two main things on the minds of students across the state of Oklahoma. While these occasions certainly represent important milestones in the lives of young adults, let’s not let this time of year be remembered for less joyous reasons. As students prepare for …

It’s that time of year again, and prom and graduation are the two main things on the minds of students across the state of Oklahoma. While these occasions certainly represent important milestones in the lives of young adults, let’s not let this time of year be remembered for less joyous reasons. As students prepare for prom night and their graduation celebration, parents can prevent alcohol from being brought into the mix by becoming involved in their children’s lives and talking openly with them about the dangers of drinking and driving. Too often, we hear devastating stories about how the lives of teenagers across the country were brought to an abrupt end in a fatal DUI accident. If you have been injured in a drunk driving accident in Oklahoma, contact our experienced DUI accident attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center today.

Talk to Your Teen About Drunk Driving Dangers

Recent studies have shown that parents underestimate the power their words and advice can have on their teenage children, especially when it comes to the risks of drunk driving and recreational drug use. In many cases, young adults who drink and then get behind the wheel of a car don’t realize how little alcohol it actually takes to impair your driving. It doesn’t take much to put you over the legal limit in Oklahoma, at which point you become a danger to yourself and others. Teens value the opinions and experiences of their parents, and starting an honest conversation with your child before prom and graduation may help avoid devastating consequences like drunk driving accidents, life-altering injuries and fatalities.

The legal limit for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in Oklahoma is 0.08%, after which point a driver under the influence of alcohol is deemed intoxicated. There are a number of factors that can influence your BAC, including body weight, the amount of alcohol consumed, and the total time period during which alcohol is consumed. For example, a typical male weighing 200 pounds will pass a BAC of 0.08% by consuming four beers over the course of an hour. A female weighing 130 pounds, however, may surpass the legal BAC limit in OK by consuming far less alcohol over the course of an hour.

DUI Accident Attorneys for Drunk Driving Injuries in OK

A drunk driving conviction in Oklahoma can adversely affect the rest of your life. In some cases, a DUI arrest on your permanent record may prevent you from attending the school of your dreams or getting the job that you want. In addition, the fines, penalties, required classes and other consequences of a DUI conviction can cost thousands of dollars, which may be a significant financial burden for many individuals. Multiple drunk driving offenses in OK can also lead to jail time, loss of driving privileges, and even more serious consequences. In short, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious mistake, which can put your life and the lives of other at risk. If you or a loved one has suffered major injuries in an Oklahoma DUI accident, contact our drunk driving accident lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center as soon as possible.

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