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Tell Your Story To A Statutory Rape Lawyer Now For Free ↓

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Statutory Rape

If you have been charged with statutory rape in Oklahoma, we will review your sex crime case for free.

Statutory rape is the unlawful act of sexual intercourse with a male or female who is considered a minor (under the age of 18), as long as there is a three year difference between the offender and the minor. This charge is still considered rape even if the minor consented to the sexual act. Like all sex offenses involving minors, statutory rape is a serious crime in Oklahoma, and the penalties associated with a statutory rape conviction are severe. If you are suspected of statutory rape, or if you have been charged with such a sex crime in Oklahoma, our reputable defense attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center can help. Contact our Oklahoma City-based law firm today to defend your legal rights.

Oklahoma Statutory Rape Laws

In Oklahoma, statutory rape is considered a strict liability offense. This means that, regardless of the circumstances surrounding the case, if you engaged in a sexual act with a person that is unable to give legal consent, you have committed a criminal offense. Under Oklahoma law, the following individuals are legally unable to consent to sex:

  • Anyone under the age of 16
  • Anyone whose mental illness or unsoundness of mind makes it impossible for them to give legal consent
  • Anyone under the supervision or custody of a state or local agency, including students, cannot consent to sex with an employee or authority, including teachers and administrators, of that agency

Penalties for Statutory Rape in Oklahoma

According to sex crime laws in the state of Oklahoma, anyone over 18 who participates in a sexual act with someone under the age of 16 has committed statutory rape and is guilty of at least second-degree rape. In instances of statutory rape, there is no intent requirement for this charge to apply, and even if the sexual act was consensual, the accused will still be charged with statutory rape if he is over 18 and the minor is under 16. In Oklahoma, a person found guilty of statutory rape may face up to fifteen years in prison and will be required to register for life with the state as an aggravated sex offender. Statutory rape with a minor under the age of 14 is always charged as first-degree rape in Oklahoma, and is punishable by a minimum sentence of five years in prison. Oklahoma law applies the same standards and penalties for statutory rape involving older male/younger female sexual relationships, older female/younger male sexual relationships, and same sex relationships.

An Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help

Statutory rape is a sex crime, and any sex crime conviction can have a severe impact on the rest of an offender’s life, especially if he or she is forced to register as a convicted sex offender. Besides carrying a major stigma, sex offender registration puts severe restrictions on where you can live, work, and even where you spend your free time. If you are facing statutory rape charges in Oklahoma, your first course of action should be to contact a qualified criminal defense attorney. With legal advice from our knowledgeable defense lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center, you may be able to build a strong defense and reduce or even eliminate your sex crime charges.

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