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Tell Your Story To A Sexual Harassment Lawyer Now For Free ↓

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Sexual Harassment

If you are facing sexual harassment charges in Oklahoma, you need to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer to represent you in court.

Sexual harassment is defined as the unwanted sexual and/or repeated unpleasant, degrading and/or sexist remarks directed toward an employee with the implied suggestion that the victim’s employment status, promotion or favorable treatment depend upon a positive response and/or “cooperation.” Even if such conduct is not acted upon and goes no further than creating an offensive or hostile work environment, this is still considered sexual harassment. Under Oklahoma law, a sexual harassment charge can also make the offender liable for civil damages. If you have been charged with sexual harassment in Oklahoma, it is critical that you hire a criminal defense attorney for legal help. Contact our experienced defense lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center immediately.

Oklahoma Sexual Harassment Charges

Harassment can include a variety of actions that result in an individual feeling threatened, uncomfortable, frightened or offended. Harassment may include verbal communication, third-party communication, written material, unwanted gifts, attention, pictures or stalking. If you have been accused of harassment, especially sexual harassment, in Oklahoma, a criminal defense attorney may be able to significantly minimize the legal consequences associated with these charges. Contact our defense lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center today for a free case review.

Sexual Harassment Defined

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when submission of the conduct functions as one or more of the following:

  • Is made a term or condition of employment
  • Is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting the individual
  • Unreasonably interferes with the individual’s work performance
  • Creates a hostile, intimidating or offensive working environment

Under Oklahoma law, an employer is responsible for sexual harassment by the following:

  • Supervisors, whether or not the employer knew of the supervisor’s actions
  • An individual’s co-workers, if the employer knew or should have known about the actions and failed to take immediate corrective action
  • Non-employees who harass employees in the workplace, if the employer should have known about the harassment and failed to take immediate corrective action

Sexual Harassment Penalties in Oklahoma

According to Oklahoma law, sexual harassment is a form of gender-based discrimination, which can be categorized as “quid pro quo” discrimination or hostile work environment harassment. Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when the employee must submit to unwelcome sexual favors in order to gain some economic or employment benefit. Sexual harassment resulting in a hostile work environment occurs when conduct at the workplace has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating a hostile, intimidating or offensive work environment. Legal punishment for sexual harassment in Oklahoma may include penalties such as jail time, probation, counseling, fines, and community service.

Contact an Oklahoma Criminal Defense Attorney

Having a sexual harassment charge on your criminal record can seriously impact your ability to work in certain professional environments, and may even affect your personal life in the future. Contact our reputable defense lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center today to review your case. Our attorneys have experience litigating sexual harassment cases in Oklahoma, and can significantly improve your chances of winning your sexual harassment case.

Tell Your Story To A Sexual Harassment Lawyer Now For Free ↓

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