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Sexual Assault Charges, Convictions and Sentencing in Oklahoma

Facing sexual assault charges in Oklahoma? Our knowledgeable criminal defense attorneys can help you defend your rights.

Under Oklahoma law, sexual assault is defined as conduct of an indecent or sexual nature toward another person, that is accompanied by actual or threatened physical force, or that induces shame, fear or mental suffering. Sexual assault is considered a serious criminal offense in Oklahoma, and the associated penalties typically reflect lawmakers’ strict stance on this issue. Public policy has called for Oklahoma law enforcement to crack down on sex crimes and sexual assault across the state, and the government has responded accordingly. Because of the severe penalties associated with a sexual assault conviction, those facing sexual assault charges in Oklahoma are encouraged to enlist the help of a qualified criminal defense attorney as early as possible. Here at Oklahoma Legal Center, our defense attorneys can help you build a strong defense in your case and can ensure that your legal rights are protected throughout the process.

Sexual Assault Explained

Sexual assault, or the intent to commit rape, sodomy or oral copulation against another person, is a felony offense in Oklahoma, and being convicted of this type of crime can significantly affect the rest of your life. When it comes to sexual assault, you can be charged with this crime even if you don’t actually commit the act; intent to commit sexual assault is enough for an arrest under Oklahoma law. The most common form of sexual assault is rape, which involves the act of sexual intercourse under circumstances in which the victim is either unwilling or unable to consent. In some cases, even if the victim willfully consents to the sexual act, he or she is legally unable to give consent, which may be the case in the following situations:

  • The victim is under 16 years of age
  • The victim has a mental illness
  • The victim is unconscious
  • The victim is intoxicated

Penalties for Sex Crimes and Sexual Assault

As law enforcement and the justice system attempt to “get tough” on sexual assault and sex crimes in Oklahoma, the penalties for those convicted of this type of crime have increased more than any other area of law in recent years. If you are convicted of a sex crime like sexual assault in Oklahoma, you may face any of the following possible punishments:

  • Life in prison without the possibility of parole
  • Mandatory registration as a sex offender for life
  • Mandatory polygraph tests
  • Restrictions on where you can live (not near a school, park, etc.)
  • GPS ankle tracking device for life

Our Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Help

The immediate penalties associated with a sexual assault conviction are devastating enough, and the long-term consequences a person convicted of this type of sex crime will face are enough to significantly alter the remainder of that person’s life. If you have been charged with sexual assault in Oklahoma, your first course of action should be to secure qualified legal counsel. Here at Oklahoma Legal Center, our defense attorneys are well-trained and have the expertise necessary to provide you with the defense you need when facing a possible sex crime conviction. The criminal defense team at Oklahoma Legal Center are skilled and are standing by, ready to help. With our knowledgeable defense lawyers on your side, you can protect yourself from further harm and significantly improve your chances of a favorable outcome in your case.

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