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Tell Your Story To A Sexual Abuse Lawyer Now For Free ↓

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Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse charges in Oklahoma are serious. If you or a family member has been charged with sexual abuse, hire a criminal defense attorney before talking to police.

Sexual abuse is defined as the forcing of unwanted sexual activity by one person on another, using such means as threats or coercion. The inappropriate sexual activity between an adult and a minor or a person with low mental capacity is also considered sexual abuse. If you are facing sexual abuse charges in Oklahoma City, contact our reputable defense lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center for qualified legal help. With the help of a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney with a successful background in sexual abuse cases, you may be able to minimize the penalties associated with your case, or even have your charges dropped altogether.

Types of Sexual Abuse

One of the most serious types of sexual abuse is that involving children, and this particular offense carries severe penalties in Oklahoma. Under Oklahoma law, child sexual abuse can involve such acts as rape, lewd and indecent acts or proposals, or sexual exploitation of a minor under the age of 18 by a person deemed to be responsible for that child’s safety and welfare. This person might be the minor’s parent or guardian, an adult living in the minor’s home, or a child care provider. Unfortunately, there are a number of circumstances under which false child sexual abuse claims may be made, including during custody disputes, in situations involving a child who disapproves of a parent’s new romantic partner, or even a child who unintentionally makes false claims as a result of leading investigative questioning.

Penalties for Sexual Abuse in Oklahoma

Legal punishment for child sexual abuse in Oklahoma can include fines of up to $5,000, a maximum sentence of life in prison, and lifetime sex offender registration for those offenders that do not receive life sentences for their conviction. When it comes to child sexual abuse charges in the state of Oklahoma, the Constitutional rights of the accused are often ignored or violated. It is your right as the defendant to be considered innocent until proven guilty, but when facing accusations of child sexual abuse, the opposite is generally true. If you are accused of child sexual abuse, you will likely be considered guilty by police, social workers and prosecutors until your innocence is proven.

Our Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help

Sexual abuse charges in Oklahoma are serious and typically result in severe penalies affecting the rest of the offender’s life. If you have been charged with sexual abuse in Oklahoma, contact our experienced defense attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center for legal help. Our knowledgeable lawyers can effectively scrutinize the evidence and details of the case in order to build a strong defense that could lead to a reduction or dismissal of charges, or even a “not guilty” verdict at trial.

Tell Your Story To A Sexual Abuse Lawyer Now For Free ↓

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