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Homicide Charges

Are you facing Oklahoma homicide charges? Hiring an experienced defense attorney in Oklahoma City is key to defending your legal rights.

Here at Oklahoma Legal Center, our team of reputable defense attorneys has extensive experience litigating criminal cases involving Oklahoma homicide, manslaughter and murder charges. Our criminal defense lawyers are intimately familiar with Oklahoma criminal laws and strive for not guilty verdicts in homicide cases throughout the state. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Manslaughter is the killing of a person without premeditated thoughts.
Read more about homicide charges in Oklahoma

Vehicular Manslaughter
Vehicular manslaughter is the crime of negligently driving a vehicle and directly causing the death of a human being.
Read more about vehicular manslaughter in Oklahoma

Murder is the intentional killing of a person with “malice aforethought” or, premeditated thought and the intent of killing someone.
Read more about murder charges in Oklahoma

Homicide is an umbrella term used in cases involving murder, manslaughter and vehicular manslaughter. If you have been charged with an Oklahoma homicide, contact our criminal defense attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center to discuss your legal options.

Homicide Laws in Oklahoma

Manslaughter and murder charges carry some of the most severe penalties in the state of Oklahoma. If you are suspected of homicide or have been charged with a homicide offense in Oklahoma, you must act immediately in order to ensure your rights are protected throughout the course of your case. Our criminal defense attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center are experienced in defending Oklahomans against homicide charges, are familiar with Oklahoma laws and legal proceedings, and can help you exercise your right to defend yourself in court. The three main types of homicide crimes in Oklahoma include:

  • Manslaughter
  • Vehicular manslaughter
  • Murder

According to Oklahoma law, the main difference between manslaughter and murder is intent.

Manslaughter in the first degree is defined as the unlawful and intentional killing of a human being, but without malice. In order for a homicide to be considered first-degree manslaughter, there must either be a positive intention to kill or an act of violence from which death or great bodily harm may result.

Any killing of a human being by the negligence of another – which is not considered murder or manslaughter in the first degree, nor excusable or justifiable homicide – is considered manslaughter in the second degree.

Vehicular manslaughter is defined by Oklahoma law as the crime of negligently driving a vehicle and directly causing the death of another human being.

First-degree murder occurs when a person unlawfully and with malicious premeditation causes the death of another human being. Other actions that may result in a charge of first-degree murder include unintentionally killing another person while committing a felony, intentionally causing the death of a law enforcement official, or the malicious abuse or torture of a child which results in death.

Murder in the second degree occurs when a person acts in a way that is imminently dangerous to another person and is indicative of a depraved mind, but carries out the act without premeditation or the intention to kill any particular individual.

Penalties for Oklahoma Homicide Convictions

  • First-degree manslaughter – Punishable by a prison term of not less than four years
  • Second-degree manslaughter – Punishable by a prison term between one and four years and a fine of $1,000
  • Vehicular manslaughter – Punishable by a fine of $500 to $1,000, two to three years in jail, and one to two years of probation
  • First-degree murder – Punishable by death, life in prison without the possibility of parole, or a life term with the possibility of parole
  • Second-degree murder – Punishable by a prison term between ten years and a life sentence

Our Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help

Being convicted of a homicide offense in Oklahoma can significantly impact the rest of your life, or may even result in the death penalty in cases involving first-degree murder. If you are facing charges for an Oklahoma homicide, your first step should be to contact our experienced defense attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center. Our team of reputable criminal defense lawyers has a successful background in defending Oklahomans against homicide charges, and we can help you navigate the legal process and court proceedings while protecting your legal rights.

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